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Statement of Faith

• Our belief is that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man. We believe He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless & blameless life, gave His life to atone for the sinful nature of mankind, His bodily resurrection, His ascendancy from earth into heaven, and His return through a bodily form.

• Our belief is that there is only ONE true and living God, who is the Creator of all things, sees all things, and is omnipresent. He eternally exists as three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

• Our belief is that the Holy Bible was written by man but inspired by the mighty word of God and His authoritative power.

• Our belief is that all people are created in God's image, all people are spiritually lost, and that God offers salvation to all people. We believe that the gift of salvation is a gift that can only be obtained by the grace & mercy of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone!

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